Newsletter Term 1 Week 1
From the Principal

I would like to use the first newsletter of the year as an opportunity to extend a warm welcome back to the 2025 school year to all of our staff, parents and students. While walking around the grounds during the first week, it was great to catch up with many of you. It was lovely to see the smiling faces of our returning families and the excitement evident on the faces of our new families.
The beginning of the school year is always an exciting time as students meet their new teacher and commence learning with their new curriculum. However, the start of the new year can also be an unsettling time as students adjust to new expectations and routines, particularly for students who are new to our school. Our staff are aware of this and we aim to work quickly to ensure that all students feel welcome and settled.
As the Principal of the school, I am fortunate to have a team that are committed to achieving for all students. This is done by setting high expectations and developing an understanding of each child. I look forward to seeing all the students at school every day and encourage parents/caregivers to connect with your child’s teacher so that your child can see a strong partnership between home and school. The strength in this partnership can only result in positive learning outcomes for your child.
In the first couple of weeks of school I would suggest ensuring students are well rested to help ease some of the nervous energy they bring to school. Another suggestion is to discuss how your child’s day has been and talk through their day with them.
In true Brisbane style, the weather is always hot at the beginning of the school year. Pleasingly all classrooms in our school are now air-conditioned. As a reminder, I would suggest all students ensure they stay well hydrated and make sure they drink plenty of water in the first few weeks of school. Also, our school has a strict no hat – no play policy so it’s necessary for all students to wear their Runcorn hat to school.
Our Year level teams have sent out newsletters about the upcoming term. The newsletters were emailed out through Schoolzine as they can then be translated if required. Hard copies will also be available at the ‘Chin Wag and a Snag’ parent afternoon coming up on February 11. Please read through the newsletters carefully to ensure you stay abreast of the important information about your child’s class. This is an exciting year for our school and we look forward to developing strong partnerships with you to ensure your child experiences positive growth in their education.
I look forward to using the newsletter each fortnight to keep you up to date with the things that are happening around the school.
Welcome to our new staff
Please welcome to our school community our new team members who have joined our 2025 team:
Prep - Miss Delaforce (Prep D), Music - Mrs Murray, Inclusion teacher - Mrs Davies, and Speech Language Pathologist - Mrs Woods
We also welcome back to our team:
Inclusion teacher - Mrs Roddy, Class support - Ms Duffy
Morning Messages
Each school day will start in Girrawheen Place for all Year levels. Here, quick morning messages will be delivered before teachers lead their class to the classroom.
School Uniform
Our school community supports our students in wearing the full school uniform, including shoes. It’s a proud moment when I see so many students wearing the school colours. The school uniform is worn each and every day as it’s an important part of our school culture. The uniform is endorsed by our parents and citizens association.
As a reminder, our uniform can be purchased though the P&C uniform shop.
Attendance - Better Together
At the start of each year, our teachers invest a lot of time in building relationships with their students and teaching the routines and expectations for their class. This is vital to ensure that all students feel safe and supported in their classroom and school environment. It provides the foundations for us to achieve our vision of teaching and helping every child every day to be their best. To assist your child’s success at school, it is beneficial to have established routines at home. Bed times, chores, homework, meals and play times are all significant parts of a child’s day and a balanced, consistent routine will help them to grow to their fullest potential. If your child is experiencing difficulties in coming to school, please see their teacher or make an appointment at the office to seek assistance.
Updating Contact Details
If you have changed addresses or changed your phone contact details, please contact our office to make sure your details are updated. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.
Meg McClure
From the Deputy Principal

A very warm welcome to the 2025 school year to all our new and continuing students. It has been wonderful to see the children settling in so smoothly during the first week back.
Label All Personal Items
To help us return lost items quickly, we kindly ask that all personal belongings are clearly named. This includes clothing, swimming gear, lunch boxes, water bottles, hats, jumpers, and jackets. Your cooperation ensures that lost property finds its way home.
Before and After School Care
For the safety and well-being of all students, please note the following:
- Before 8:00 am: The only supervised care available is through Jabiru Outside School Hours Care. If your child needs care before 8:00 am, you must book them into Jabiru.
- 8:00–8:15 am: Children may sit under B Block; however, parents should be aware that this is an unsupervised area and children can’t be dropped here prior to 8.00am.
- Strings/Band/Choir students may be dropped off at school prior to 8.00am however please follow the drop off time as advised by the teacher.
- Start of the School Day: All students should be seated and ready for morning messages at Girrawheen Place by 8:40 am, with classes beginning promptly at 8:45 am.
- After School: School finishes at 3:00 pm. Parents and carers are expected to collect their children from Girrawheen Place or the stop-drop-and-go/pick-up zone at this time. If you are unable to collect your child at 3:00 pm, please make alternative arrangements for their care through Jabiru Outside School Hours Care.
Thank you for helping us maintain a safe and smooth routine for all of our students.
Roberta Matlock.
From the Head of Department - Curriculum

Welcome back
We’re thrilled to welcome our new and returning families to the 2025 school year at Runcorn! It was wonderful to see everyone back, looking refreshed and ready to dive into another year of learning. We hope you all had a fantastic break.
This year promises to be another exciting journey at Runcorn, with a continued focus on enhancing literacy and embedding inquiry-based learning across our classrooms.
The BIG WRITE is back. Stay tuned for more details coming your way soon.
Here’s to a year of growth, discovery, and achievement.
Jillian Chittenden
Head of Department - Inclusion

Welcome Back
The beginning of the school year can bring up a range of emotions for our young learners. To help ease their transition, please keep us informed of any concerns or challenges your child may be facing so we can provide the best possible support. This week, our support teachers and teacher aides have been busy helping students settle into their new classes, especially our new Preps, and everyone seems to be off to a wonderful start.
Additionally, some of our children may have had specialist appointments during the holidays. If your child has received any new reports, please share them with your class teacher so we can review the information and continue to support your child based on the recommendations provided.
Warm regards,
Julie Schooth
Norman's News
As we kick off another exciting school year, I’m wagging my tail with joy to welcome both familiar faces and new friends back to school! For those who don’t know me yet, I’m Norman, the school’s therapy dog, and I’m here to help make this year as smooth and joyful as possible for all the students.
Whether it’s a new school year or just a tough day, I’m here to offer some extra comfort and support. I’m always available for those moments when you need a little calm, a friendly paw, or a quiet cuddle. My role is to provide a safe and reassuring presence, helping students feel more relaxed and ready to take on whatever comes their way—whether it's a tricky math problem or a bit of homesickness.
I also work closely with the school staff to support students who might need extra help with managing stress, anxiety, or just adjusting to school life. So if you see me around Runcorn State School, feel free to come say hello to Mrs Schooth and I and I’ll always be ready for a pat or a gentle nuzzle.
Here’s to a great year ahead, filled with learning, growth, and a lot of my love.

Until next time,
Big licks and tail wags,
Music Matters
Save the date:
Anzac Day Ceremony Term 2 Week 1 24 April – Band and Choir
Karawatha Music Program Term 2 Week 5- 19-22 May – All Band and Strings students
Welcome back to every student. We hope that you had a restful and recharging holiday break. The Music program is up and running but will gain more momentum in the coming weeks. The Music team are looking forward to a fantastic year with all our Runcorn students.

Senior Choir – Week 3 Wednesday 8am
Senior Choir is open to all students from Year 4-6 and everyone is welcome and encouraged to join. Please note if you are wanting to join Choir it is a weekly commitment that involves an expectation to perform with the choir at concerts and events throughout the year and sometimes out of school time. It is also a requirement to have the school formal uniform for performances. An invitation for Senior Choir has been sent out via QParents and the permission note will need to be completed online by the first rehearsal in Week 3 Wednesday 12th February at 8am.
Instrumental Music – BAND & STRINGS
Here is a timeline of the first weeks of the term.

It is a curriculum requirement that all continuing students attend ensemble rehearsals. Attendance is vital to achieve the outcomes of our program, including being a team player, and needs 100% commitment and support from Parents/Carers. If students cannot attend rehearsals, Parents/Carers are asked to email the appropriate Instrumental Music teacher with as much notice as possible.
Beginners are not required to attend ensemble rehearsals until the appropriate musical skills are developed.
There will be NO parent helpers or siblings of students at rehearsals. Siblings of students must be either in the care of their parent or the OSHC Jabiru program as it is not permissible or safe for them to be on school grounds unsupervised.
Do not send your children to rehearsal prior to start time as supervision cannot be guaranteed.
Thank you for your support of the Instrumental Music Program and we look forward to seeing everyone over the coming weeks.
Mrs Alison Murray (amurr51@eq.edu.au)
Sports News
Welcome to Week 1, Term, 2025 at Runcorn State School.
I hope all families/carers had a restful holiday.
Sport at Runcorn in term 1 is massive!
We have the senior swimming carnival this Friday (31st January) for grades 3 – 6 and the whole school cross country Monday, 24 March - Week 9, Term 1.
I would like to thank Jabiru for donating ice blocks to all our competitors. The students at Runcorn State School greatly appreciate your generosity.
Swimming lessons start next week and a reminder of what students need is below.
Please note that goggles are optional and all students MUST wear a swimming cap.

We also have an enormous amount of district sport trials happening this term. If your child/ren is/are interested in attending, please email me.

Thank you and I hope to see many of you at the carnival on Friday.
Mr Brady
Health Happenings
Welcome back to our wonderful Runcorn Community. I trust that you had a relaxing holiday and that the students are ready to tackle the new term. At Runcorn State School this fortnight we are focusing on the Organisation Key and Self-Manager Learning Asset.
Organisation at Runcorn State School looks like:
- Students having all supplies ready to do school work
- Students safely and quickly lining up in their correct area after the music plays in the morning and break times
- Students ensuring necessary stationery and belongings (including books, pencils, hats and water bottles) are ready every day and for each lesson
- Students ensuring bathroom breaks occur before school and during break times
- Students ensuring library books are returned to school on time
- All learning tasks are completed in a timely manner both in and out of school
Effective Self-Managers at Runcorn State School are:
- Resilient
- Responsible
- Reflective
Staff across Runcorn State School will be actively looking for students displaying organisation and self-management skills. Each week, one student per class will be awarded with a certificate to acknowledge their dedication to consistently displaying these skills.
Sheridan Stirling
School Wellbeing Social Worker News
Welcome to 2025. The new year brings excitement and new beginnings for our students. My days at Runcorn State School this year are Mondays and Wednesdays.
To assist students or families gain access to the school social work services, I will be available for drop-in meetings on Monday Mornings from 8.00 – 8.40 am and pre-arranged times on a Monday afternoon after 3.00 pm.
Social workers can support students and families in a variety of areas, whether it be with social challenges at school, school refusal, managing challenging family situations, mild-moderate mental health support or assistance with referrals to community organisations/resources.
As the school social worker I am happy to meet for an informal chat on the above times or contact via email scran79@eq.edu.au to organise a more suitable time.

Sheena Cranwell
From the Administration Office
Outstanding Permission Forms
If you have any of the below outstanding forms can you please return to the office as a matter of urgency
- 2025 Swimming Permission Forms
- Instrumental Music
- Year 4 Online Services Consent Form
- Student Resource Scheme
An invitation to QParents will be sent to all new families early Term 1 Week 2. Please check your emails for your invitation code. If you require any assistance with setting up your QParent account, please contact the office.
Student Resource Scheme
We would like to thank all of our families for supporting our Student Resource Scheme. The monies raised helps purchase learning materials used in each of our classrooms and specialist lessons. Your assistance enhances our student's learning outcomes.
Runcorn State School's Admin team are available between 8.00am and 3.30pm each school day. You can contact us on 3323 8777 if you have any queries. Student absence texts can be sent to 0429 928 611 or a voice message can be left on 3323 8777 and press option 1.
If students arrive to school from 9.00 am onwards they are to present to the office to collect a late slip. This ensures that our rolls are marked correctly and prevents parents from receiving incorrect absence texts.

First Aid Processes
If children are injured or become ill at school they will receive treatment within the classroom or in the Health Room. Parents/Carers will be contacted if necessary. Please note that staff must give Parents and Carers a courtesy contact home for all head related injuries (no matter how minor).
When a student is considered too unwell to remain at school, parents will be contacted to collect their student in a timely manner. If a student's condition deteriorates while waiting to be collected an ambulance may be called if deemed necessary.
If a student presents to the health room with a suspected allergic reaction, parents/carers will be contacted. As per Education Queensland policy, if a student requires an EpiPen to be administered parents will be notified. An ambulance must be called and the student will be transported to hospital for further treatment. Children with known allergies will have their own school based EpiPen. We also hold a school EpiPen for any unforseen emergencies.
Medication must be prescribed by a doctor or dentist and may only be administered to students by school staff. The medication must be taken to the school office in its prescription container and administered according to the doctor’s instructions.
Non prescribed oral medication such as Panadol and cough mixtures can only be administered by school staff with a pharmacy label and medical authorisation. Education Queensland prohibits students from carrying their own medication to school and requires Parents/Carers to deliver the prescribed medication to the office and collect after school or before weekends as needed. A school register of all medicines administered is kept.
Incursion/Excursion/Camp Payments
Runcorn State School is now a cashless school. Thank you for continuing to pay for your children's incursions/excursions/camp payments via our preferred methods:- BPoint and EFTPOS. If you require any assistance paying via BPoint, please contact the school office. Unfortunately we are unable to accept payments over the phone.
DID YOU KNOW?..... that using BPoint is a convenient and secure way to pay for your child's school invoices. BPoint is a user-friendly online payment platform that enables you to pay your school invoices quickly and easily, without having to worry about sending cash or cheques through the mail or visiting the school in person. It can also be done by phoning the school on 3323 8777, choosing Option 2 which will redirect you to the BPoint payment platform.
By using BPoint, you can make payments from the comfort of your home or office at any time, day or night. You can also track your payment history and receive email receipts for each transaction, making it easier to keep track of your expenses.
BPoint offers a secure and reliable payment system, ensuring that your personal and financial information is protected. It also helps reduce administrative costs for the school, which ultimately benefits the entire school community.
We strongly recommend giving BPoint a try for your next school invoice payment. It's an efficient and hassle-free way to pay your school fees.
We have also included some easy to follow instructions. If you still require further assistance with the process please contact our friendly Admin team!

Don't forget that you can always collect a hard copy of the current newsletter from the office. You can also view/download it from our website: https://runcornss.schoolzineplus.com/enews?nid=23 You can also download the Schoolzine App from your App Store. Once downloaded, search for Runcorn State School and use password 4109, when prompted. Happy reading.
P & C Association

Uniform Shop
Our online ordering platform is https://runcorn-state-school-parents-citizens-association.square.site

Our Uniform Shop is open:
Tuesday mornings from 9.00am to 10.00am
Thursday afternoons from 3.00pm to 3.30pm
You can order uniforms in person or through our online ordering platform.

Community News

Jabiru offers before and after school care and vacation care at Runcorn State School. Our team includes a range of friendly people who are into craft, sport and outdoor exploration, so there’s something for everyone at Jabiru Runcorn.