Newsletter Term 4 Week 11
From the Acting Principal

This will be our last newsletter for 2024. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the whole school community for a positive year with so many things to celebrate. Thanks go to our P&C for their ongoing support. Congratulations to the P&C executive and a heartfelt thank you to all of the volunteers who have supported our amazing school this year.
Thank you to all of our students for a successful year, full of fun and learning. They are not afraid to make mistakes, support their friends and their teachers, and are always willing to have a go and try new things. Our learners are always filled with encouragement of their friends and a generosity of spirit. The staff and I are very proud of them all. Farewell to Year 6, our current school leaders, who had their graduation this week. It was lovely to see them dressed up for the occasion and we enjoyed The Runcorn Rhino Beetles. Farewell to any of our families who are moving onto other opportunities. We wish you all the best.
Thank you to our amazing staff, who demonstrate daily, expertise in their fields. I appreciate every individual, for as individuals we create a strong team. I appreciate the commitment found in our teachers who continually strive to do their very best to ensure our children learn. It is seen in the long hours our teachers put into our school often at the expense of their own families. It is seen in what they do above and beyond the call of duty. With students at our core our staff have been well equipped to meet the needs of every student. Our focus for 2025 will continue to ensure that every student is known, valued and cared for.
Thank you everyone who has supported me whilst I have been Acting Principal this term. Ms McClure returns 2025 Term 1. Please take the time to rest and recoup with your family over the break, and I look forward to another successful year in 2025.
Farewell to staff who will be heading to other roles next year and taking with them a piece of Runcorn magic:
Ms Perera our perfect Prep P teacher
Ms Mariel Hopper our magical music teacher
Ms Vinka Kaksa our consummate, caring cleaner
We farewell these lovely ladies who have made a real difference to our school and your children. Thank you so much for the energy and support you have given us here. We will miss you all but wish you all the very best.
Roberta Matlock.
From the Acting Deputy Principal

Farewell from Me
As we approach the final week of the school year, I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks and share my reflections on my time here at Runcorn State School. Though I’ve only been with the school for one term, it has been an incredibly rewarding experience, and it is with mixed emotions that I write this farewell message.
I am deeply grateful for the warm welcome I received from the entire Runcorn community—students, staff, and families alike. From day one, I felt supported and included, and I’ve truly enjoyed getting to know so many of you. The dedication and passion for education I’ve witnessed here is truly inspiring, and I’ve learned so much from working alongside such a talented and committed team.
The students have been an absolute highlight of my time here. Their enthusiasm for learning, kindness and respect are a credit to the Runcorn community. It has truly been a joy to come to work every day.
To all the students, staff, and families, I wish you a wonderful, restful summer holiday. May it be filled with joy, relaxation and special moments with loved ones. I am confident that Runcorn State School will continue to thrive and I look forward to hearing about the great things to come in the future.
Thank you once again for allowing me to be a part of this incredible school. It has truly been an honour.
Cathy Seto-Payne
From the Head of Department - Curriculum

As the 2024 school year draws to a close, it’s an ideal time to reflect on the incredible growth and achievements of our students. The end of the year brings with it a sense of celebration, but also a valuable opportunity for reflection and forward-thinking. Our curriculum has been at the heart of this progress, guiding students through challenges and empowering them to become critical thinkers through inquiry-based learning.
This year, our dedicated staff has worked diligently to align our English and Mathematics units with the new Version 9 Australian Curriculum. In doing so, they’ve focused on creating meaningful cross-curricular connections and embedding Inquiry and Visible Thinking routines to make learning more engaging and relevant to our students. These efforts have helped foster a deeper understanding and curiosity, encouraging students to apply their knowledge in new and exciting ways.
Looking ahead to 2025, we remain committed to continually enhancing our curriculum. We will continue to refine our teaching practices and resources to ensure that every student has the support, guidance, and opportunities they need to succeed. We are excited to build on the successes of this year and further enrich our students' learning experiences.
Thank you for your ongoing support as we work together to provide the best possible educational journey for our students. I wish everyone a restful, well-deserved break and look forward to another year filled with learning, growth, and achievement in 2025.
Jillian Chittenden
Head of Department - Inclusion

As we approach the end of our 2024 school year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the year that has been full of growth, challenges, and achievements — and I am deeply proud of the progress we’ve made as a school committed to inclusion.
Inclusion is not just a word, but a core value that guides us every day. It means creating an environment where everyone, regardless of their background, abilities, or differences, feels valued, supported, and understood. This year, I have witnessed countless acts of kindness, compassion, and collaboration that demonstrate how we are strengthening our sense of belonging for all.
To our students: You have amazed me with your resilience, creativity, and your ability to lift each other up. Whether in the classroom, on the playground, or through your individual journeys, you have shown what it means to embrace one another with respect and understanding. Keep shining and continue to be proud of the unique perspectives and strengths you bring to our community.
To our parents, carers, and families: Your support has been unwavering, and together, we are creating an environment where every child can thrive. Your involvement, feedback, and advocacy make a world of difference, and I am grateful for the partnerships we have built.
To our staff: Thank you for your dedication, your empathy, and your commitment to ensuring every child is given the opportunity to succeed. Your efforts to be inclusive in every lesson, every conversation, and every interaction have made a lasting impact. You are the heart of our school, and I am proud to work alongside such a passionate and compassionate team.
As we head into the holidays, I hope you all take time to rest, recharge, and enjoy time with your loved ones. I look forward to continuing our work together in 2025, as we keep striving to create an even more inclusive and supportive environment for all.
Wishing you all a joyful and peaceful holiday season.
Julie Schooth
Norman's News

As the school year comes to a close, I wanted to take a moment to wag my tail and send some extra love your way. It’s been such a joy spending time with each of you this year, whether it was offering a comforting paw, a friendly cuddle, or just being a quiet companion during a busy day.
To the students, thank you for your kindness, your belly rubs, and for always making me feel like part of your family. I’ve loved hearing all your stories, sharing moments of laughter, and even just sitting quietly while you worked. You’re all so special, and I’m so proud of how hard you’ve worked and grown this year!
To the parents and caregivers, thank you for being such an important part of our school community. You make our school a warm, loving place, and I’m grateful for the support you show me and everyone here.
As we head into the holidays, I hope you all get to enjoy plenty of rest, joy, and quality time together. I’ll be resting up too, so I can be ready to greet you all again with a wagging tail and plenty of love in the new year.
Until then, I’ll be dreaming of belly rubs and looking forward to more pawsitive moments with all of you!
With big licks and tail wags,
Music Matters

Farewell from Ms Hopper

To the Runcorn community, students, parents, staff and everyone who I have been involved with along the way. It is with sadness that I say farewell to everyone. Even though I am excited about the new changes coming my way it is still very hard to say goodbye to such a wonderful school with such fabulous children. Having seen so many of the kids grow up from little people to not so little people I feel very connected to them all. It is an honour to work in a place where I know the name of every single person. I have loved sharing music with the kids through the choirs, concerts and fun in the classroom. I wish everyone in the school so much joy in their futures and next year I will aim to come along and see some concerts.
Your new music teacher next year is Mrs Alison Murray. She will be at the school on the same days as me- Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and brings with her a wealth of experience and passion for the role.
Until next time!
Ms Mariel Hopper (mxhop2@eq.edu.au)
Sports News
Thank you to all the parents who have supported their child/children during the many physical education activities we have done here at Runcorn State School in 2024. Whether it has been your soothing and supportive words leading up to PE lessons and/or the 5 sports carnivals we have held this year, on behalf of your children, thank you for your support.
I would also like to acknowledge my 6 sports captains, Saran, Yuna, Amanda, Rothy, Lachlan and Kai. With out your support this year, the carnivals would not have been the success they have been. Thank you and I wish you all success and enjoyment at high school.

Finally, below are the district sport trial dates, location etc for Term 1, 2025.
If you would like your child to be considered for a trial, please contact me.

Thank you and I hope you have a safe, relaxing and enjoyable festive period.
Mr Brady
Japanese News
In week 10, Year 6 students had a wonderful opportunity to have Teams call with Dai Juu Sho (Kokubunji the 10th Elementary school in Tokyo, Japan). During this live video call, students presented about their camp. They also held a Q&A session for them to enjoy communicating with one another. Some students were surprised to know that there is only one hour time difference between Japan and Australia.

Sensei Nagashima
From the Administration Office
Student Resource Scheme 2025 Update
At Runcorn State School, we strive to achieve the best learning outcomes for all students. Each year, we request a voluntary contribution from parents to support the provision of essential teaching and learning resources.
We are pleased to advise that P&C approved that the SRS fee for 2025 will be $15.00 per student. The Instrumental music levies will remain unchanged in 2025 ($60.00 for own instrument; $100.00 for hired instrument).
Why has it reduced?
Earlier this year, the Department of Education issued a directive to all schools to review school fees in light of the rising cost of living.
A detailed list of what the $15.00 will cover is provided below has been uploaded to our website.

Thank you for your continued support in ensuring the best educational outcomes for our students. If you have any questions please contact the office.
Runcorn State School's Admin team are available between 8.00am and 3.30pm each school day. You can contact us on 3323 8777 if you have any queries.
Student absence can be entered via QParents, text to 0429 928 611 or a voice message can be left on 3323 8777 and press option 1.
If students arrive to school from 9.00 am onwards they are to present to the office to collect a late slip. This ensures that our rolls are marked correctly and prevents parents from receiving incorrect absence texts.

First Aid Processes
If children are injured or become ill at school they will receive treatment within the classroom or in the Health Room. Parents/Carers will be contacted if necessary. Please note that staff must give Parents and Carers a courtesy contact home for all head related injuries (no matter how minor).
If a student presents to the health room with a suspected allergic reaction, parents/carers will be contacted. As per Education Queensland policy, if a student requires an EpiPen to be administered parents will be notified. An ambulance must be called and the student will be transported to hospital for further treatment.
Medication must be prescribed by a doctor or dentist and can only be administered to students by school staff after a consent form has been signed by a parent. The medication must be in its prescription container and administered according to the doctor’s instructions.
Non prescribed oral medication such as Panadol and cough mixtures can only be administered by school staff with a pharmacy label and medical authorisation. Education Queensland prohibits students from carrying their own medication. Parents/Carers to deliver the prescribed medication to the office and collect after school or before weekends as needed. A school register of all medicines administered is kept.
Incursion/Excursion/Camp Payments
Runcorn State School is now a cashless school. Thank you for continuing to pay for your children's incursions/excursions/camp payments via our preferred methods:- QParents, BPoint and EFTPOS. If you require any assistance paying via BPoint, please contact the school office. Unfortunately we are unable to accept payments over the phone.

Don't forget that you can always collect a hard copy of the current newsletter from the office. You can also view/download it from our website: https://runcornss.schoolzineplus.com/enews?nid=23 You can also download the Schoolzine App from your App Store. Once downloaded, search for Runcorn State School and use password 4109, when prompted. Happy reading.
P & C Association

Runcorn State School
P & C President
Community News

Jabiru offers before and after school care and vacation care at Runcorn State School. Our team includes a range of friendly people who are into craft, sport and outdoor exploration, so there’s something for everyone at Jabiru Runcorn.

Expressions of Interest are open! Global Passport: Explore the world in 5 days
The Department of Education International (DEi) in partnership with Griffith University is pleased to offer a 5-day online program during the January school holidays, designed to build global competence and bring the world to Queensland students from the comfort of their home.
Specifically aimed at Years 4 to 6 students in Queensland, this immersive opportunity will provide students with the chance to virtually 'travel' to different countries. Each day, students will experience different cultures through interactive activities, basic language learning, and the exploration of diverse topics, including food, art, daily life, cultural traditions and landmarks.
Program details
Dates: 13-17 January 2025
Years: 4 - 6
Delivery mode: Online via Microsoft Teams
Time: Sessions run for a duration of 1.5 hours daily over 5 consecutive days*
Application closing date: 6 December 2024
Please see the Expression of Interest Form for further information, including eligibility and registration requirements.
Expressions of interest are now open, with the program live on the Global Engagement website. Noting spaces are limited.
Expression of Interest Forms must be submitted to Global Engagement via global.engagement@qed.qld.gov.au