Class Newsletters - Term 4, 2022
Hello and welcome back to Term 4! We trust you had an enjoyable break. This newsletter will outline events that will be occurring this term, we encourage you to keep this newsletter handy so that you can refer to it throughout the coming weeks as there are lots of wonderful events happening throughout this busy fourth school term.
Classroom Teachers
PB: Melissa Bayle
PM: Monique Welch
PW: Mary Whittred (Mon-Thurs)
Melissa Samal (Fri)
Important Dates
Week 1 - Wednesday: Water Play, RACQ Road Safety Incursion (PM), Friday: RACQ Road Safety Incursion (PB & PW)
Week 2 - Monday: Swimming, Prep Vision Screening
Week 6 - Friday: Rememberence Day Ceremony
Week 7 - Wednesday: Volunteers Breakfast, Friday: Prep 2023 Orientation/Year 1 Orientation
Week 8 - Wednesday: End of Year Concert
Week 9 - Thursday: Ngutana Lui Excursion
Week 10 - Thursday: Celebration Day, Friday: Last Day of School
Specialist Lessons
Monday - Swimming (All)
Tuesday - Music (All), Library (PB & PM)
Wednesday - Gross Motor (All), Library (PW)
Thursday - Health (PM)
Friday - Health (PB & PW)
The students will read short, decodable and predictable texts with familiar vocabulary and supportive images, drawing on their developing knowledge and concepts of print, sounds and letters and decoding and self-monitoring strategies.
Students will show evidence of letter and sound knowledge, beginning writing behaviours and experimentation with capital letters and full stops. They will correctly form known upper and lower-case letters when innovating on, and creating a letter to a known book character read aloud and respond orally to a set text.
Students will be assessed on evidence of letter sound knowledge beginning writing behaviours, experimentation with capital letters and full stops and correct formation of known upper and lowercase letters.
Topics covered this term include: number and place value (representing quantities, comparing numbers, matching number names, numerals and quantities, identifying parts within a whole, combining collections, equal groups.
Students will be assessed on identifying numerals and completing missing numbers from counting patterns.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
We will be talking about celebrations and how these differ between communities.
Students will be assessed on identifying different types of celebrations and retelling a personal experience of celebration.
Represent, share and relflect on observations about the needs of living things and how and environment can affect them.
Students will be assessed on a collection of work gathered from various learning experiences during the unit.
The Arts
Students will explore a range of art forms and present in portfolio format.
Students will be assessed on their response to feedback in their art making.
Music with Ms Hopper
Students continue developing beat, rhythm and pitch. They will compose rhythm patterns using Ta, Titi and Za and explore the pitches So Mi and La.
Students will develop repertoire for the End of Year Concert and compose rhythm patterns using Ta Titi and Za. Students ability to perform their composition with a steady beat will be assessed.
Health with Ms Daryau
Students will recognise how they are growing and changing. Students will demonstrate practices and protective behaviours to keep themselves safe and healthy in different activities.
Students will be assessed on their ability to demonstrate behaviours to keep themselves safe and healthy, name parts of the body and describe how their body is changing and growing.
Developmentally sequenced and differentiated lessons focussed on:
- Entries and exits
- Buoyancy
- Submergence
- Swimming for survival
- Survival sequence
- Rescue and lifesaving
- Water safety knowledge
Year 1
Welcome to Term 4. We cannot believe it is the last term already! We have such an exciting term ahead of us.
This is a very busy term filled with lots of exciting events such as our ‘Outdoor Learning Days’, swimming lessons, Disney excursion to the museum, RACQ Road safety incursion and many more!
Please keep an eye out for information regarding these events in your child’s communication folder. We look forward to a great term.
Classroom Teachers
1D: Chelsea Uppman
1H: Ken Hoey
1S: Emma Sinnott
Important Dates
Week 1 – RACQ Road safety program
Week 2- Tuesday: Disney Excursion
Week 6 – Friday: Remembrance Day Parade
Week 8 – Tuesday: Awards Day, Wednesday: End of year concert
Week 10 - Thursday: End of year celebration day
Specialist Lessons
Tuesday - Gross Motor (All)
Wednesday - Music (All)
Thursday - Swimming (All)
Friday - Library (All)
Students will create a character for a narrative text.
Students will be assessed on their ability to spell high-frequency and new or unknown words. They will also be assessed on their use of capital letters and full stops, as well as their formation of upper and lower-case letters.
Students will be learning simple addition and subtraction strategies. They will also be classifying outcomes of simple, familiar events.
Students will be assessed on their ability to use different working-out strategies to solve simple addition and subtraction problems up to 25. Students will also be assessed on their use of probability and chance terminology such as impossible and possible, and on predicting likely outcomes of events.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
This term, students will be learning about changes in their own lives, important dates and celebrations in their families, and changes to familiar places over time.
Students will be assessed on their ability to sequence important events in their life. They will need to identify and describe important events that they celebrate within their family. They will also need to explain how aspects of daily life, and places have changed or remained the same between the past and present.
Students will collect, sort and display data using book creator.
Students will be assessed on their ability to collect data and display the data they collected in graphs and tables using technology.
Music with Ms Hopper
Students will compose melodies using the pitches So Mi and La. They will explore these using voice, notation and chime bars.
Students will develop repertoire for the End of Year Concert. Students will compose and notate a melody using the pitches So, Mi and La.
Health with Ms Daryau
Students will recognise similarities and differences in individuals and groups and explore how different cultures and traditions are celebrated and respected. Students will practice a range of appropriate ways to communicate with others.
Students will be assessed on their ability to describe ways to include others to make them feel like they belong and demonstrate appropriate and various communication skills in activities.
Developmentally sequenced and differentiated lessons focussed on:
- Entries and exits
- Buoyancy
- Submergence
- Swimming for survival
- Survival sequence
- Rescue and lifesaving
- Water safety knowledge
Year 2
Welcome back to Term 4 of Year 2. We hope you have had time to relax and refresh. We are looking forward to a busy and productive term. Here is an overview of what we will be learning and thinking about in Term 4.
Classroom Teachers
2IH: Julia Irons ( & Louise Henderson (
2C: Megan Delores (
2/3L: Stacey Lambert (
Important Dates
Week 1 - Wed-Fri: Road Safety Incursion
Week 4 - Friday: Day for Daniel and Bandana Day
Week 6 - Friday: Remembrance Day Ceremony
Week 7 - Wednesday: Volunteers Breakfast
Week 8 - Wednesday: End of Year Concert
Week 10 - Thursday: Celebration Day
Specialists Lessons
Tuesday - Gross Motor (2IH, 2L)
Wednesday - Gross Motor (2C), Health (2IH)
Thursday - Music (2IH, 2C), Health (2C, 2L), Swimming (2C, 2IH, 2/3L)
Friday - Library (2L)
Students will read and view a range of literary imaginative texts that include a range of structural elements and language features related to procedures and narratives. They will write narrative texts and create images to support their writing.
Students will plan, draft and write a new chapter for a novel.
We will be focusing on the following concepts:
- Multiplication and Division
- Transformation
- Shape
- Fractions
Students will be assessed on:
- Representing multiplication as groups/arrays and division by forming equal-sized groups
- Divide collections and shapes into halves, quarters and eighths
- Draw and identify features of 2D and 3D shapes
- Explain transformations (flips, slides, turns)
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
Students will be examining technologies and how they have changed over time. Students will have the opportunity to experience hands on learning by using and playing with household items from the past.
Students will explain how technology has changed over time and how it affects our daily lives and will be required to order technology in chronological order from past to present.
Science and Design Technology
Students will predict and investigate how a push or pull affects how an object moves or changes shape. They will compare, make observations and make use of informal measurements relating to the way toys move. They will apply this science knowledge and use their technology skills to create and construct their own spinning toy.
Students will design and build a toy that moves with a push or pull and describe a change to the toy and how it affects the toy’s movement. They will pose an investigation question and make a prediction about an object’s movement.
Music with Ms Hopper
Students will move to and sing 2 and 3-part canons, play music games and develop analysis skills.
Students will develop repertoire for the End of Year Concert and develop the ability to perform in 2- part canon will be assessed by observation.
Health with Ms Daryau
Students will recognise similarities and differences in individuals and groups and explore how different cultures and traditions are celebrated and respected. Students will practice a range of appropriate ways to communicate with others.
Students will be assessed on their ability to describe ways to include others to make them feel like they belong and demonstrate appropriate and various communication skills in activities.
Developmentally sequenced and differentiated lessons focussed on:
- Entries and exits
- Buoyancy
- Submergence
- Swimming for survival
- Survival sequence
- Rescue and lifesaving
- Water safety knowledge
Year 3
Welcome to Term 4! We hope everyone has had a restful and well-deserved break, and is looking forward to the last term of Year 3. There are many exciting events and learning experiences planned to finish off a fantastic year. Our activities around inquiry will continue; in particular, our Science unit investigating heat and our HASS unit exploring Australia's neighbours. Please keep an eye out for emails coming home and if you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to make contact.
Classroom Teachers
3C: Regan Cunningham
3D: Ananda Duffy
3K: Beth Kruse
2/3L: Stacey Lambert
Important Dates
Week 1 - Wednesday: Road Safety Incursion, Swimming begins, Mango Fundraiser begins
Week 4 - Friday: Day for Daniel and Bandana Day
Week 6 - Friday: Remembrance Day Ceremony
Week 8 - Tuesday: Music and Academic Awards Parade, Wednesday: End of Year Concert
Week 10 - Tuesday: Swimming Carnival, Thursday: Celebration Day, Friday: Term 4 ends
Specialist Lessons
Monday - Library borrowing (3D)
Tuesday - Junior Choir (All), Gross Motor (3D, 3K, 3L), Library borrowing (3K), Strings
Wednesday - Health (3C, 3D, 3K), Gross Motor (3C), Music (3K), Library borrowing (3C)
Thursday - Health (3L), Music (3C, 3D, 3L), Swimming (3L)
Friday - Swimming (3C, 3K, 3D), Library borrowing (3L)
Students will listen to, read, view and adapt a variety of Australian poems. They will analyse poetry texts in relation to the context, purpose and audience, and explore how language features and devices can be adapted to create new meaning. Students will write and present a poem.
Students will be assessed on writing and presenting a poem, using appropriate speaking skills and exploring ways in which the language features and devices can be highlighted in a performance through the use of pace, pitch, tone, volume and gesture.
Students will study number and place value up to 10 000, including word problems and number patterns, and will add and subtract 2-digit and 3-digit numbers. They will investigate time to one-minute intervals and duration of time using a timetable. Students will explore multiplication and division including word problems, fact families and representations of these.
Students will be assessed on recall of multiplication facts, solving and representing multiplication problems. They will tell the time to the nearest minute and solve problems involving time duration. Students will solve number patterns and will add and subtract 2-digit and 3-digit numbers.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
Students will explore similarities and differences in places near and far. They will look at Australia’s states and territories, the continents of the world, Australia’s neighbours, climate and human and natural features of Australia and its neighbouring countries. This will form part of our inquiry “How are places similar and different?”
Students will be assessed by describing and interpreting data about Australian places and identifying similarities and differences between the characteristics of places.
Students will investigate how heat is produced and the behaviour of heat when it transfers from an object or area to another. They will identify that heat can be observed by touch and that formal measurements of heat (temperature) can be taken, using a thermometer. Students will identify that heat transfers from warmer areas to cooler areas.
Students will be assessed on planning and conducting investigations about heat and heat transfer collecting data safely, using appropriate equipment to record formal measurements.
Students will explore and use a range of digital systems. They will investigate data through the use of graphical and non-graphical representations.
Students will be assessed by identifying and describing digital systems in relation to needs, opportunities and problems. They will collect, manipulate and interpret data from a range of sources.
The Arts
Students will explore Media Arts techniques and concepts to create a variety of animations.
Students will collaborate to plan and make artworks that communicate ideas through the use of Media Arts digital animations.
Music with Ms Hopper
Students will use voice and melodic percussion to explore repertoire using the rhythm element Tikkatikka.
Students will respond to music they listen to using the elements of music.
Students will individually perform a Pentatonic melody on melodic percussion.
Continuing from Term 3- Students will respond to two pieces of music comparing the similarities and differences of the Musical elements.
Health with Ms Daryau
Students will use decision-making and problem-solving skills to select and demonstrate strategies that help them stay safe, healthy and active.
Students will be assessed on their ability to identify strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing and describe strategies to make the classroom and playground healthy, safe and active spaces.
Developmentally sequenced and differentiated lessons focussed on:
- Entries and exits
- Buoyancy
- Submergence
- Swimming for survival
- Survival sequence
- Rescue and lifesaving
- Water safety knowledge
Year 4
Welcome to our final term of 2022. It's a busy and exciting one, full of new challenges like Year 4 Camp, students' first ever sleep-away excursion. It's also a time to look back on what we have achieved in our learning all year. Please encourage your child to reflect on their learning goals and celebrate all they have gained this year. We certainly will!
As ever, please contact us with any questions or feedback.
Classroom Teachers
Important Dates
Week 1 - Swimming Resumes
Week 3 - Wed - Friday: Year 4 Camp
Week 4 - Friday: Day for Daniel
Week 6 - Friday: Remembrance Day Ceremony
Week 7 - Wednesday: Volunteers Breakfast
Week 8 - Tuesday: Academic Awards Ceremony, Wednesday: End of Year Concert
Week 10 - Tuesday: Swim Carnival, Thursday: Celebration Day, Friday: Last day of Term
Specialists Lessons
Monday - Library (4R)
Tuesday - Japanese (All), Music (4L, 4R)
Wednesday - Music (4A), Health (4A, 4L), Library (4L)
Thursday - Swimming (All)
Friday - Library (4A)
To buy or not to buy? Students will examine the persuasive techniques of advertisements and product packaging.
Students will be assessed on their interpretation of a cereal box. They will show that they understand that texts have different text structures depending on their purpose and context, and explain how language features, images and vocabulary are used to engage the interests of audiences.
What types of numbers affect our lives?
Students will be assessed on their ability to solve purchasing problems; connect fractions to two decimal places with fractions; and converting between time measurements and solving elapsed time problems.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) with Ms Liao
Who makes the rules? Who makes you you?
Students will be assessed on their ability to respectfully conduct an interview with a peer about the groups who have influenced their identity. They will also be assessed on their understanding of the difference between rules and laws and their application.
Science with Mrs Anglim
Is it fair? Students will investigate fair testing to assess the properties and usefulness of various materials.
Students will be assessed on their ability to plan, safely conduct and reflect on an experiment using a well-known natural material.
Technologies with Ms Ryan:
How can I help?
Students will be assessed on their ability to write an algorithm with a series of steps for a visual program, in order to create a solution for learning.
Music with Ms Hopper
Students will develop repertoire for the End of Year Concert and continue exploring Recorder repertoire
Students ability to contribute to, rehearse and perform as part of the Year level Cohort for the End of Year Concert will be observed.
Health with Ms Daryau
Students will understand the benefits of being healthy and physically active. They will examine how participation in outdoor games and activities promote a connection between the community, natural and built environments, as well as their health and wellbeing.
Students will be assessed on their ability to describe strategies to make the classroom and playground healthy, safe and active spaces.
Developmentally sequenced and differentiated lessons focussed on:
- Entries and exits
- Buoyancy
- Submergence
- Swimming for survival
- Survival sequence
- Rescue and lifesaving
- Water safety knowledge
Japanese with Sensai Nagashima
Students will learn things to see, eat and do in different seasons in Japan.
Research things see, eat and do in different seasons in Japan and create a poster.
Year 5
Term 4 is always a busy and productive term in Year 5. We are looking forward to finishing the year on a high with students moving into leadership in 2023.
Classroom Teachers
5D: Madie Daglish
5M: Jenni McNamara
5/6F: Adam France
Important Dates
Week 1 -Wednesday: RACQ Road Safety Incursion
Week 2 - Friday: Intra school sport
Week 4 - Friday: Day for Daniel, Intra school sport
Week 6 - Friday: Rememeberance Day Ceremony, Intra school sport
Week 7 - Wednesday: Volunteers Breakfast
Week 8 - Tuesday: Academic Awards Ceremony, Wednesday: End of Year Concert, Friday: Intra school sport
Week 10 - Tuesday: Swimming Carnival, Thursday: Celebration Day, Friday: Last day of Term
Specialists Lessons
Monday - Japanese (5M, 5F), Religious Instruction, Parade
Tuesday - Library (5D, 5F), Music (5D, 5M), Japanese (5D, 5M)
Wednesday - Library (5M, 5F), Music, Health (5F)
Thursday - Health (5D, 5M)
Friday - Swimming
Students will examine a range of poetry including texts from the past and create poetry of their own. They will analyse the effects of different text structures and poetic devices.
Students will write a short story based on a stimulus poem. They will complete a comprehension assessment showing their understanding of how poetic devices create meaning.
Students will develop a range of mathematical understandings, particularly in the areas of chance and probability; fractions and decimal; calculating time durations and factors and multiples.
Students will demonstrate their understanding through a range of multiple choice, short answer and problem-solving formats.
Science with Ms Daglish
Students will investigate the observable properties and behaviours of solids, liquids and gases.
Students will conduct investigations following the scientific method, and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding using multimodal texts.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) with Mrs McNamara
Students will explore the importance of values and processes to Australia’s democracy and the roles of different people in Australia’s legal system.
Students will work in a small group and present their research to demonstrate their own understanding of the democratic process.
The Arts with Mr France
Students will create a histoical tableau demonstrating their ability to create a character using the elements of dance and drama.
Music with Ms Hopper
Students will develop repertoire for the End of Year Concert.
Students ability to contribute to, rehearse and perform as part of the Year level Cohort for the End of Year Concert will be observed.
Health with Ms Daryau
Students will access and interpret health information, apply decision-making and problem-solving skills to their own and other’s health, safety and wellbeing. Students will examine how physical activity, celebrating diversity and connecting to the environment support community wellbeing and cultural understanding.
Students will be assessed on their ability to investigate various health resources as well as the role of preventative health in promoting and maintaining health, safety and wellbeing for individuals and their communities.
Developmentally sequenced and differentiated lessons focussed on:
- Entries and exits
- Buoyancy
- Submergence
- Swimming for survival
- Survival sequence
- Rescue and lifesaving
- Water safety knowledge
Japanese with Sensai Nagashima
Seasons plus Hiragana focus
Students will learn things to see, eat and do in different seasons in Japan. Also, they will continue to develop recognition of hiragana.
Research things see, eat and do in different seasons in Japan and create a poster.
Hiragana reading test
Year 6
And we thought last term was busy… Term 4 brings with it so many events in what culminates your student’s journey through primary school.This term includes Bandana Day and Wear Red for Daniel Day, Japanese Restaurant visit, Swimming Carnival, End of Year Concert, Music Awards and the Year 6 Graduation among many others. Information for these will be provided and we thank you in advance for prompt returning of notes and payments as deadlines provided by outside organisations needs to be adhered to. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us.
School begins at 8.45am. Please ensure students arrive prior to the 8.45am bell so they can have an organised start to the day.
Classroom Teachers
6G: Kylie Cramb
6J: Shena Jarvis
5/6F: Adam France
Important Dates
Week 1 - Thursday: RACQ Road Safety Talk
Week 4 - Monday: Kokoro Japanese Kitchen lunch, Friday: Bandana Day & Wear Red for Daniel Day
Week 6 - Friday: Remembrance Day
Week 7 - Mon-Friday: Cooloola Coast Camp
Week 8 - Tuesday: Music Awards, Wednesday: End of year Concert
Week 9 - Wednesday: Graduation, Friday: Year 6 Day Out
Week 10 - Tuesday: Swimming Carnival, Thursday: Celebration Day
Specialist Lessons
Monday - Parade, Japanese, Religious Instruction
Wednesday -Library (6G), Music, Health
Thursday - Library (6J)
Friday - Swimming
Curriculum focus – what we will be working on in class this term
This term Year 6 will compare literary and information texts around a common theme, which may include animal welfare, pollution, deforestation or extinction of plants and animal species. Students will independently research an issue and then adapt an information text into a narrative to highlight the issue. They will then create a book for their Prep Buddies from this narrative and share the book with them during Buddy Time.
Students will be assessed on a Literary Comparison of the book "Moon Bear Rescue" and a brochure on moon bears. They will also create a narrative from an environmental issue and create a book suitable for Prep children.
Mathematics with Mrs Cramb
Identifying number properties and calculating percentage discounts.
Describing and comparing probabilities.
Recording and comparing observed, relative and expected frequency.
Students will be assessed on "Is it Fair" and a Mathematical Guided Inquiry
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences) with Mrs Jarvis
This term we continue investigating our connections with the rest of the world through trade, immigration, aid and tourism.
Students will be assessed on a collection of work.
Science with Mrs Jarvis
This term we are focusing on living things and how they thrive in their environment. We will ask the questions: What conditions lead to improved growth? How can knowledge of this growth help our farmers, the health of our people or the economy?
Students will be assessed on an investigation of growing mould on bread.
This term aesthetics, design, layout and required content are to be considered and incorporated cohesively to create a personal year book page to be published in the Year 6 Yearbook.
Students will also use excel Spread sheet to collect and analyse data for a variety of purposes. Students will also learn coding with Micro:bits
Students will be assessed on their individual yearbook page, Excel Spreadsheet Project and will create a new instument using the Micro:bit and coding to create soundThu.
Music with Ms Hopper
Students will develop repertoire for the End of Year Concert and Graduation
Students ability to contribute to, rehearse and perform as part of the Year level Cohort for the End of Year Concert and Graduation will be observed.
Health with Ms Daryau
This term aesthetics, design, layout and required content are to be considered and incorporated cohesively to create a personal year book page to be published in the Year 6 Yearbook. Student will also use excel Spread sheet to collect and analyse data for a variety of purposes. Students will also learn coding with Micro:bits
Students will be assessed on their individual yearbook page, Excel Spreadsheet Project and will create a new instument using the Micro:bit and coding to create soundThu.
Developmentally sequenced and differentiated lessons focussed on:
- Entries and exits
- Buoyancy
- Submergence
- Swimming for survival
- Survival sequence
- Rescue and lifesaving
- Water safety knowledge
Japanese with Sensai Nagashima
Restaurant (continued from Term 3)
Students will learn phrases used at restaurant and how to describe taste in Japanese.
Online exchange program will continue this term.
Create a video of yourself giving a food review of lunch we will have at the restaurant excursion.