Class Newsletters - Term 3, 2022
This Term Prep students will continue to participate in 3 x Outdoor Learning Time sessions per week which are intentional play-based learning activities covering curriculum content and students’ interests, with a focus on oral language, vocabulary and thinking.
Home Readers: Your child will take home a folder containing 4 books. It is recommended you listen to your child read each night. The folder and books are to be returned every FRIDAY even if you did not complete all of the books.
Camera Words: Camera Word books continue to be updated regularly. Children are exposed to these words at school, but repeated exposure at home will allow these words to be remembered automatically.
Classroom Teachers
PB: Melissa Bayle
PM: Monique Welch
PW: Mary Whittred (Mon-Thurs),
Melissa Samal (Fri)
Important Dates
Week 4 - Wednesday: 100 Days of Prep Celebration
Week 5 - Tuesday: Junior Athletics Carnival, Wednesday: Ekka Public Holiday
Week 6 - Science Week
Week 7 - Three Way Reporting Conferences, Book Week, Wednesday: Book Week Dress Up Day
Week 8 - Wednesday: Father’s Day Stall, Friday: Student Free Day
Week 9 - Wednesday, Thursday: School Photos
Specialist Lessons
Monday - PE (All)
Tuesday - Music (All), Library Borrowing (PB)
Wednesday - Library Borrowing (PW, PM), Gross Motor (All)
Thursday - Health (PM)
Friday - Health (PW, PB)
This term students will listen to a range of texts including Dreamtime Stories, Folk tales and Fairy tales. Students will learn how to write a recount of a story with a focus on beginning, middle and end structure Other literacy topics include SSP, reading, phonemic awareness, handwriting, Casey the Caterpillar, oral language, concepts of print, listening and speaking.
Students will be assessed by writing a recount on the story ‘The Three Little Pigs.
Topics covered this term include number: representing numbers to 20 more/less/same/ patterns and growing patterns, simple addition, measurement (days of the week, connecting activities to days of the week, duration of events, sequencing events, predicting future events.
Students will be assessed by:
Number: Students will count, identify and make collections that are more/less/ the same.
Measurement: Students will connect days of the week to events, sequence events and explain the duration of events.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
Students will discover why places are special to people and how to care for special places.
Students will be assessed by identifing and commenting on special places.
Students will explore materials and their properties They will learn why materials are chosen for specific purposes Students will use their sense to observe and explore the properties and movements of objects They will engage in hands on investigations and respond to questions about the factors that influence movement They will share their observations, ideas, and representations.
Students will be assessed by identifing, planning and creating a solution to a problem using materials Students will identify how objects will move and justify their reasoning.
The Arts
Connecting with the English and Science unit, students will participate in Drama this term. They will learn about voice levels, tone, expression and actions.
Students will be assessed by re-enacting the text ‘The Three Little Pigs' in small groups.
Music with Ms Hopper
Develop beat, rhythm and pitch skills using song, movement and percussion. Respond to where they hear music in the world.
Students will be assessed on:
(a) Keep in time with a melodic drone and solo sing a folk song.
(b) Respond to where they hear music in the world through drawing and interview in the teacher.
Health with Ms Daryau
Students will identify actions that help them to be healthy, safe and physically active.
Students will be assessed by being able to demonstrate practices, actions and protective behaviours to keep themselves safe and healthy in different activities.
Physical Education with Mrs Sutherland
“Who Wants to Play?”
Students will develop personal and social skills when working with others in a variety of activities.
Students will be assessed by demonstrating personal and social skills and describing how their body responds to movement using ‘The F.U.N. factor’.
Year 1
We have lots of fun and engaging activities planned for Term 3. As part of our procedures unit we will be making all sorts of crafts and cooking. Please let us know (if you haven’t already) if your child has any food allergies. This term we also have many school wide celebrations book week, junior athletics day and Science week. What a fun busy term we have ahead of us.
Classroom Teachers
1D: Chelsea Uppman
1H: Ken Hoey
1S: Emma Sinnott
Important Dates
Week 1 – Wednesday: NAIDOC Nexus Arts Incursion
Week 2- Thursday: Street Science incursion
Week 4 – Friday: Visit from Queensland Ambulance Service
Week 5 – Tuesday: Junior Athletics Carnival
Week 5 – Wednesday: EKKA holiday
Week 6 – Science Week, Wednesday: Fire safety presentation
Week 7 - 3-way reporting, Book week, Wednesday: Book Week Dress up
Week 8 – Friday: Pupil Free Day
Week 9 – Wednesday: School Photos
Specialist Lessons
Monday - Parade, Religious Instruction
Tuesday - Motor Skills
Wednesday - Music
Thursday - PE, Return home readers (1S & 1D)
Friday - Library borrowing, Health
In Term 3 the students will be focusing on listening and presenting skills as well as creating procedural texts.
Students will write a procedure, make the item then present to the class for their assessment.
In Term 3 students order objects based on lengths and capacities using formal units. They describe 2D shapes and 3D objects and identify representations of a half.
Students will complete a written assessment to display learning after each topic.
In Term 3 students will describe the effects of interacting with materials and objects. They will be investigating light and sound. They respond to questions and make predictions participating in guided investigations.
For assessment, students will plan and create a “sandwich saver” and then evaluate their design.
In Term 3 students will record design ideas using techniques including labelled drawings, lists and sequence instructions.
The Technology assessment is linked into the Science assessment.
Music with Ms Hopper
Students will use rhythmic percussion to experience simple part work and ostinato.
Students will be assessed by playing a simple ostinato on a drum behind a sung melody. Students will demonstrate their ability to match pitch by singing a major scale in Solfa.
Health with Ms Daryau
Students will describe changes that occur as they grow older. Students will select and apply strategies to keep themselves safe and are able to ask for help with tasks or problems.
Students will be assessed by describing and demonstrating strategies to keep themselves safe. Students will identify similarities and differences with their peers and describe ways to include others.
Physical Education with Mrs Sutherland
“Catch Me If You Can”
Students will become researchers as they explore dodging and running skills. They will become collaborators as they develop strategies to work in groups and play fairly during these games.
They will participate in a Gross Motor program each week.
Students will be assessed by identifying strategies to work in groups and play fairly during tagging games. They will demonstrate running and dodging skills, while testing alternative strategies to evade others and objects in tagging games.
Year 2
We are looking forward to a busy and productive term 3. Here is an overview of what we will be learning and thinking about in Term 3.
Classroom Teachers
2IH: Julia Irons ( & Louise Henderson (
2C: Megan Delores
2/3L: Stacey Lambert (
Important Dates
Week 1 - Wednesday: NAIDOC Nexus Arts Incursion
Week 4 - Friday: Visit from Queensland Ambulance Service
Week 5 - Tuesday: Junior Athletics Carnival, Wednesday: Ekka Public Holiday
Week 6 - Science Week
Week 7 - Book week, 3-way Reporting, Wednesday: Book Week Dress up
Week 8 - Friday: Pupil Free Day
Week 9 - Wednesday: School Photos
Specialists Lessons
Monday - PE (2/3L), Religious Instruction, Parade
Tuesday - Gross Motor (2IH, 2/3L)
Wednesday - Library (2C), Health (2IH)
Thursday - PE (2IH, 2C), Music (All), Health (2C, 2/3L)
Friday - Library (2IH, 2/3L)
Students will read and view a range of literary imaginative texts that include a range of structural elements and language features related to procedures. They will write a variety of procedural texts and create images to support their writing.
Students will be assessed by creatin and presenting their own procedure based on the Roald Dahl book ‘George’s Marvellous Medicine’.
We will be focusing on the following concepts:
· Number patterns- recognise and identify missing elements in sequences involving 2’s, 3’s and 5’s.
· Money and financial mathematics- describe features of and count small collections of Australian coins and notes.
· Addition and Subtraction- solve single and double digit problems.
· Using units of measurement (time)- tell time to the quarter hour.
Student will be assesed by describing number patterns and identify missing elements, writing and comparing money amounts, solving addition and subtraction problems and reading and telling time to the quarter hour.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
Students will be examining technologies and how they have changed over time. Students will have the opportunity to experience hands on learning by using and playing with toys and household items from the past.
Students will be assessed by writing a historical narrative explaining how technology has changed aspects of our daily lives.
Science and Design Technology
Students will be investigating the properties of different materials and the objects that can be constructed from those materials. Students will be constructing a waterproof lunch box large enough and strong enough to hold an orange and a sandwich.
Students will be assessed by combining materials for a purpose. They will will be constructing a waterproof lunch box large enough and strong enough to hold an orange and a sandwich.
Music with Ms Hopper
Students use simple Compound time repertoire to create group arrangements. These arrangements explore instrumentation and dynamics. Year 3 have an Ostinato focus in their performance.
Students will complete their Selmer Instrumental Music listening test.
Students will be assessed by creating Compound time arrangements demonstrating instrumentation and dynamics. Students will perform their compositions to the class.
Health with Ms Daryau
Students will describe changes that occur as they grow older. Students will select and apply strategies to keep themselves safe and are able to ask for help with tasks or problems.
Students be assessed by describing and demonstrating strategies to keep themselves safe. Students will identify similarities and differences with their peers and describe ways to include others.
Physical Education with Mrs Sutherland
“Rope & Rhymes”
Students will be self managers and collaborators as they perform long-rope skipping sequences to rhymes.
They will participate in a Gross Motor program each week.
Students will be assessed demonstrating movement sequences in skipping that incorporate the elements of movement. They will identify how the body reacts to different physical activities.
Year 3
It’s hard to believe we are already half way through Year 3. We have a very busy term 3 to look forward to, with some interesting topics and activities around inquiry; in particular, our Science unit investigating heat. Our Soapy Science Incursion and visit to the Planetarium are also happening this term. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to make contact.
Classroom Teachers
3C: Regan Cunningham
3D: Ananda Duffy
3K: Beth Kruse
2/3L: Stacey Lambert
Important Dates
Week 1 - Wednesday: NAIDOC Incursion
Week 3 - Wednesday: Soapy Science Incursion
Week 5 -Wednesday: Public Holiday
Week 6 - Science Week
Week 7 - 3 Way Reporting, Book Week, Wednesday: Book Week dress up, Friday: Book Fair
Week 8 - Monday: Book Fair, Wednesday: Musical Showcase, Wednesday: Fathers Day Stall, Friday: Pupil Free Day
Week 9 - Wednesday: Planetarium Excursion, Thursday: School Photos
Week 10 - STEAM week
Specialist Lessons
Monday - PE (2/3L), Library (3D), Religious Instruction, Parade
Tuesday - Junior Choir, Gross Motor, Library borrowing (3K)
Wednesday - Health, Music (3K), Library (3C)
Thursday - PE (3D), Music (3C, 2/3L), Health (2/3L)
Friday - Library borrowing (2/3L), PE (3C, 3K)
Students will examine stories from different perspectives. They will listen to, view, read and compare a range of stories, with a focus on different versions of the same story. Students will create a retell of “The Lorax”. They will read, view, analyse and write procedural texts.
Students will be assessed by planning and writing a retell of The Lorax and a procedural text. They will complete a reading comprehension task.
Students will study number and place value up to 10 000, and investigate number sequences. They will represent and solve 2-digit and 3-digit addition and subtraction problems and measure length, capacity and mass. Students will explore money and financial mathematics and investigate fractions.
Students will complete assessments involving adding, subtracting and partitioning numbers. They will measure and compare length, capacity and mass. Students will represent money values and count change, and model and represent unit fractions.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
Students will explore similarities and differences in places near and far. They will look at Australia’s states and territories, the continents of the world, Australia’s neighbours, climate and human and natural features of Australia and its neighbouring countries. Students will learn about the role of rules within communities and making decisions democratically. This will form part of our inquiry “How are places similar and different?”
Students will be assessed by identifying, describing and interpreting data about Australian places and identify similarities and differences between the characteristics of places. They will describe the roles of rules in their community and explain the importance of making decisions democratically.
Students will explore the properties of liquids and solids and understand how to identify an object as a solid or a liquid. They will investigate how a change of state between solid and liquid can be caused by adding or removing heat. This will form part of our inquiry “Where did the heat go?”
Students will be assessed by conducting an investigation about solids and liquids changing state, when heat is added or taken away.
Students will explore and use a range of digital systems. They will investigate data through the use of graphical and non-graphical representations.
Students will identify and describe digital systems in relation to needs, opportunities and problems. They will collect, manipulate and interpret data from a range of sources.
The Arts
Students will explore Media Arts techniques and concepts to create a variety of animations.
Students will collaborate to plan and make artworks that communicate ideas through the use of Media Arts digital animations.
Music with Ms Hopper
Students will use voice and melodic percussion to explore part-work, canon, dynamics and the rhythm element Tikkatikka. Students will respond to music they listen to using the elements of music.
Students will complete their Selmer Instrumental Music listening test.
Students will be assessed by individually performing a Pentatonic melody on melodic percussion. Students will respond to two pieces of music comparing the similarities and differences of the Musical elements.
Health with Ms Daryau
Students will recognise strategies for managing changes and understand the benefits of being healthy and physically active.
Students will categorise changes as physical, social and emotional changes and describe strategies to manage these changes. Students will suggest ways to be healthy and physically active.
Physical Education with Mrs Sutherland
“Having a Ball”
Students will become researchers as they explore the fundamental movement skills of throwing. They will become communicators and collaborators as they apply these skills to solve challenges in game of newcombe. They will participate in a Gross Motor program each week.
Students will be assessed by demonstrating the fundamental movement skills of throwing and catching in a newcombe game.
Year 4
We begin the term by belatedly celebrating NAIDOC Week and the histories, cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The fun only continues, with other much-loved events such as Science Week, Book Week and School Photos all in the near future.
We would so appreciate meeting with you in our Three Way Interviews in Week 7. It’s an invaluable opportunity for school and home to come together, discuss your child’s learning and goals with them, and continue this very important three-way connection.
Classroom Teachers
School begins at 8.45am. Please ensure students arrive prior to the 8.45am bell so they can have an organised and settled start to the day. Remember, Every Day Counts!
Please click here for a very handy overview of what Year 4 students typically learn to understand and do by the end of this year, according to the Australian Curriculum which guides all our learning.
Important Dates
Week 2 - Monday: Tuesday: District Athletics*, Thursday: Karawatha IM Excursion*
Week 5 - Monday: 4R hosts Parade, Wednesday: EKKA Public Holiday
Week 6 - Monday: What’s In the Bin? BCC Incursion, Thursday: Science Expo
Week 7 - Three Way Interviews, Book Week, Wednesday: Book Week dress up, Friday: Book Fair begins
Week 8 - Thursday: Singfest Choir Excursion*, Friday: Pupil Free Day
Week 9 - Wednesday, Thursday: School Photos
*applicable to certain students only
Specialists Lessons
Monday - Library (4R), Parade, Religious Instruction
Tuesday - Japanese, Music (4L, 4R)
Wednesday - Library (4L), Music (4A), Health (4R)
Thursday - Health (4A, 4L), PE
Friday - Library (4A)
How can we time travel with fiction? Students will read, comprehend, and create their own narratives set in the past.
Students will:
- recognise and locate fractions such as halves, quarters and thirds, including mixed numerals;
- analyse data presented in tables and graphs;
- compare areas and measure with a range of familiar metric units; and
- carry out a budgeting investigation, including purchasing problems with dollars and cents.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) with Ms Liao
How has life on this land changed? Considering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, students will explore the reasons for the journey of the First Fleet and the nature of contact between First Nations peoples and others. Students will locate information from sources, describe the experiences of individuals or groups from the past, and recognize the significance of events in bringing about change.
Science with Mrs Anglim
How do forces make games fun? Students will investigate and describe how contact forces (eg push, pull, air resistance and friction) and non-contact forces (eg gravity) affect interactions between objects.
Technologies with Ms Ryan:
Can technology save the world? Students will draw on their knowledge of sustainability to plan and produce designed solutions. They will plan a sequence of steps (algorithms) to create solutions including using a visual programming language.
Music with Ms Hopper
Students will compose melodies using BAGE notes and work on notating these on the stave. They will respond to music they listen to and play.
Students will be assessed by composing a melody using a given rhythm and BAGE notes and notate it on the staff. Students will respond to two pieces of music using the Musical elements.
Health with Ms Daryau
Students will understand the benefits of being safe, healthy and physically active.
Students will be assessed by identifying and adapting their own safe and healthy practices to promote health, safety and wellbeing.
Physical Education with Mrs Sutherland
“Bat, Catch, Howzat!”
Students will become thinkers and communicators as they develop the skills of striking and fielding in active games.
Students will be assessed by demonstrating strategies for working cooperatively and applying rules fairly, while solving movement challenges.
Japanese with Sensai Nagashima
Students will explore Japanese language and culture through the unit of family. They also learn about the star festival TANABATA.
Students will be assessed by locating and process specific points of information in text about family.
Year 5
We are looking forward to a busy and productive term. Here is an overview of what we will be learning and thinking about in Term 3.
Classroom Teachers
5D: Madie Daglish
5M: Jenni McNamara
5/6F: Adam France
Important Dates
Week 1 - Wednesday: NAIDOC Nexus Arts Incursion
Week 2 - Monday– Wednesday: Karawatha Instrumental Music Program
Week 4 - Monday -Wednesday: Gold Coast Recreation Centre Camp
Week 5 - Wednesday:EKKA Holiday
Week 6 - Science Week, Thursday: STEM Fair Science Week
Week 7 - Tuesday: 3-Way Reporting, Book Week, Wednesday: Book Week Dress Up
Week 8 - Wednesday: Gold Rush Incursion, Friday: Pupil Free Day
Week 9 - Wednesday - Thursday: School Photos
Specialists Lessons
Monday - Japanese (5M, 5F), Religious Instruction, Parade
Tuesday - Library (5D, 5F), Music (5D, 5M), Japanese (5D, 5M)
Wednesday - Library (5M, 5F), Music, Health (5F)
Thursday - Health (5D, 5M)
Friday - PE
Students will read and interpret the novel ‘The Invention of Hugo Cabret’. They will then view the film adaptation, focusing on comparisons in character development, setting and plot.
Students will be assessed by interpreting a novel and its film adaptation, making comparisons. They produce a written review, stating and justifying their preference.
Students will apply a variety of mathematical concepts to solve a range of inquiry- based questions. Concepts will include: fractions and decimals; money and financial Maths; patterns and algebra; location and transformation.
Students will be assessed by choosing appropriate units of measurement to calculate: length, perimeter, area, volume, capacity and mass. They also calculate with money and investigate continuing number patterns.
Students will investigate the properties of light and the formation of shadows.
Students will be assessed by planning, predicting and conducting a fair investigation to explain everyday phenomena associated with the transfer of light.
Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS)
Students will examine key events related to the development of British colonies in Australia after 1800, including the significance of the Gold Rush.
Students will be assessed by conducting an inquiry to answer the question, 'How and why did the lives of the people in the Australian colonies change or stay the same as a result of the Gold Rush?
The Arts
Students will explore drama inspired by the Australian Gold Rush.
Students will be assessed by devising, performing and responding to drama based on the style of melodrama.
Music with Ms Hopper
Students will continue to develop ukulele skills. They will compose, arrange and perform music to engage an audience.
Students will be assessed by composing a melody and make decisions to create a performance to engage an audience. Students will perform music they have arranged.
Health with Ms Daryau
Students will describe their own and others’ contributions to physical activity, safety and wellbeing. Students will investigate practices that promote and maintain health and wellbeing.
Students will be assessed by describing the features of health-related fitness and the significance of physical activity to their health, safety and wellbeing.
Physical Education with Mrs Sutherland
“Bball for Fun”
Student will become thinkers, communicators and researchers as they explore ball skills.
Students will be assessed by demonstrating the skills of passing, dribbling, shooting and rebounding. They will demonstrate their ability to perform offensive and defence skills in a game.
Japanese with Sensai Nagashima
Students will discuss and compare how people cheer and praise a team mate to build a good team in Japan and Australia. They will explore sports day in Japan.
Students will be required to cheer/praise classmates in Japanese, and respond to them appropriately for assessment.
Students will focus on reading hiragana writing.
Year 6
Half way through the year and time has flown. Term 3 is full of excitement with events like Science Expo, Book Week and STEAM Week. Year 6 received a specific homework project task in Week 1 relating to the Science Expo and we are looking forward to seeing their amazing creations. We appreciate your support in advance. School photos will take place in Term 3 with more information to be provided closer to the date. Camp notes have been sent home with final payments to be made by 2 November in Term 4.
This semester sport will move away from Gala Days and students will compete in an Intraschool sport competition beginning in Term 3 and finishing in Term 4. More information will be provided closer to the date.
If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact us. Happy Term 3.
Classroom Teachers
6G: Chris Garcia
6J: Shena Jarvis
5/6F: Adam France
Important Dates
Week 2 - Monday, Tuesday: District Athletics, Monday, Tues, Wed: Karawatha Music Camp
Week 5 - Wednesday: EKKA Public Holiday
Week 6 - Science Week
Week 7 - Book Week, Wednesday: Book Week Dress Up
Week 8 - 3 Way Reporting, Wednesday: Instrumental Evening, Thursday: Singfest, Friday: Pupil Free Day
Week 9 - Wednesday, Thursday: School Photos
Specialist Lessons
School begins at 8.45am. Please ensure students arrive prior to the 8.45am bell so they can have an organised start to the day. Homework is due on Tuesday each week and handed out on a Wednesday.
Monday - Parade, Japanese, Religious Instruction
Tuesday -
Wednesday -Library (6G), Music, Health
Thursday - Library (6J)
Friday -PE
Curriculum focus – what we will be working on in class this term
To analyse and evaluate the style of an individual author. To write and deliver a speech in a debate on a topic using persuasive techniques.
Students will be assessed by selecting one of the novels and prepare a response that explains how the author has represented characters, ideas and events.
Calculating fractions and decimals with operations. Locating integers, Cartesian plane and describing transformations. Identifying number properties and calculating discount percentages.
Students will be assessed on Fractions and Decimals, Integers and Cartesian Plane, Number Properties.
HASS (Humanities and Social Sciences)
Looking at diversity in the world around them. This term we will explore how places, people and cultures differ across the world and take a closer look at our Asia Pacific Region.
Students will be assessed on a collection of work.
In our changing world we will look at how natural disasters around the world impact the planet. Students will be displaying their dynamic models at the Science Expo on Thursday 18th Aug. These models will be constructed as a homework task in Weeks 2 – 5 so we ask for your support in this.
Students will be assessed on their Science Expo Presentation and assessment task.
Aesthetics, design, layout and required content are to be considered and incorporated cohesively to create a personal year book page to be published in the Year 6 Yearbook.
Students will be assessed on their Individual Yearbook Page.
The Arts
Aesthetics, design, layout and required content are to be considered and incorporated cohesively to create a personal year book page to be published in the Year 6 Yearbook.
Students will be assessed on a collection of work.
Music with Ms Hopper
Students will use GarageBand for iPad to compose music that represents ideas. They will respond to music that they have composed.
Students will be assessed by composing music to express ideas using Garageband for iPad. Students will write composers notes explaining how they used the musical elements to represent their ideas.
Health with Ms Daryau
Students will describe their own and others’ contributions to physical activity, safety and wellbeing. Students will investigate practices that promote and maintain health and wellbeing.
Students will be assessed by describing the features of health-related fitness and the significance of physical activity to their health, safety and wellbeing.
Physical Education with Mrs Sutherland
“Bball for Fun”
Student will become thinkers, communicators and researchers as they explore ball skills of passing, dribbling, shooting and rebounding.
Students will be assessed by demonstrating the skills of passing, dribbling, shooting and rebounding. They will demonstrate their ability to perform offensive and defence skills in a game.
Japanese with Sensai Nagashima
Students will use language to explore food industry in Japan. They will also write a letter to Japanese school.
Students will be assessed by designing and creating an appealing bilingual food/drink menu.